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Training & Development

How to train and develop your employees? The employee is one of the main assets of the company. Know this topic better by understanding: i. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) ii. Training Module – General Position iii. Training Module – Critical Positions iv. Training Module – Senior Positions


Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Analyzing learning and development (L&D) needs and making strategic investments in employee development is essential for fostering growth, improving performance, and achieving organizational goals. Investing in learning and development is an ongoing process that requires a strategic and data-driven approach. By continuously analyzing needs, evaluating effectiveness, and making informed investments, organizations can ensure that their employees remain skilled, motivated, and aligned with the organization's goals. Areas on how to analyse consist of identifying company's goals, skills gap analysis, employees & superiors' inputs, budget allocation, evaluating trainer/training provider, implementation and ROI analysis

Training Modules - General Position

Designing and building a learning and development (L&D) solution involves a systematic approach to create a program or system that effectively addresses specific learning needs within your organization. Building an effective L&D solution is an ongoing process that requires flexibility, adaptability, and a commitment to meeting the evolving needs of your organization and its employees. Regularly assess the impact of your L&D efforts and refine your approach to maximize learning outcomes


Training Modules - Critical Position

Developing critical talent within the organization is crucial for ensuring a pipeline of skilled and capable individuals who can drive the organization's success. Developing critical talent is an ongoing process that requires commitment, resources, and a customized approach for each individual. By nurturing and investing in your critical talent, you not only enhance their skills but also strengthen your organization's ability to meet its strategic objectives and adapt to changing business environments.

Training Modules - Leaders

Developing leaders is essential for an organization's long-term success and sustainability. Effective leadership development programs can help identify and nurture individuals with leadership potential while enhancing the skills and qualities of existing leaders. Leadership development is an ongoing process that requires commitment, resources, and a culture of continuous learning. By investing in leadership development, you not only prepare leaders to navigate complex challenges but also contribute to the growth and success of your organization. Process involved: identify leadership competencies, create development plan, mentoring & coaching, job rotation & cross functional, succession planning, etc


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