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Manage Workforce Strategy

How to manage your employees? Understand the art of managing them in the areas of: i. Talent Management ii. Job Analysis iii. Manpower Planning iv. Talent Retention v. Talent Analytics


Talent Management

Talent management is a strategic approach to attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future organizational needs. It encompasses a variety of processes and activities designed to optimize the performance and potential of employees. The goal of talent management is to ensure that the organization has a capable and motivated workforce that can achieve its strategic objectives and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

Job Analysis

Reviewing talent involves assessing the skills, performance, potential, and fit of employees within your organization to make informed decisions about their roles, development, and contributions. Effective talent review provides the foundation for making informed decisions about employee development, promotions, performance improvement plans, and succession planning. It contributes to building a skilled, motivated, and successful workforce.


Manpower Planning

Developing a workforce plan is crucial for organizations to ensure they have the right talent in place to meet current and future business needs. A well-crafted workforce plan involves understanding business goals, analyse current & future workforce, identify skill gaps & others. A workforce plan is not a one-time exercise; it's an ongoing process that should be reviewed and updated regularly to adapt to changing business needs and external factors

Talent Retention

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a set of unique offerings and benefits that an organization provides to its employees in exchange for their skills, capabilities, time, and commitment. It is essentially the value that employees perceive they receive from their employer in return for their contributions to the company. Developing a compelling EVP is crucial for attracting, retaining, and engaging top talent. The key components of EVP includes Compensation & Benefits, Career Development, Work-Life Balance & others. A strong EVP not only helps attract top talent but also fosters employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention. It serves as a powerful tool for building a positive employer brand and maintaining a competitive edge in the job market


Talent Analytics

Managing talent analytics involves using data and insights to make informed decisions related to talent acquisition, development, retention and overall workforce optimization. A few factors to consider are identifying key metrics, data collection & integration, benchmarking, etc. Effective talent analytics can significantly improve an organization's ability to attract, develop, and retain top talent while optimizing workforce performance and efficiency

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