Strengthening Organisational Capacities & Capabilities

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Talent Retention

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a set of unique offerings and benefits that an organization provides to its employees in exchange for their skills, capabilities, time, and commitment. It is essentially the value that employees perceive they receive from their employer in return for their contributions to the company. Developing a compelling EVP is crucial for attracting, retaining, and engaging top talent. The key components of EVP includes Compensation & Benefits, Career Development, Work-Life Balance & others. A strong EVP not only helps attract top talent but also fosters employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention. It serves as a powerful tool for building a positive employer brand and maintaining a competitive edge in the job market

Policy & Procedure , SOP & Flowchart , Documents & Templates

Policy & Procedure


SOP & Flowchart


Documents & Templates
