
Strengthening Organisational Capacities & Capabilities

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PIP policy, guide and template are provided in HRIR Online portal. Please go to Module 4 (Manage Existing Employee), Sub-module 1 (Performance Management System) for details or click here

Depending on the seriousness of the matter, absenteeism and late coming should be handled effectively. The action to be taken by the HR Department varies from counselling to warnings, or even up to dismissal. Please go to Module 8 (IR Management), Sub-module 7 (Disciplinary Management) for details or click here

The calculation to pro-rate employee’s salary, encashment of leave balance, No Pay Leave can be quite tricky and an HR Practitioner should understand the clause provided by the law. Please go to Module 5 (Manage Employee Rewards & Benefits), Sub-module 1 (Compensation Management) for details or click here

While the KPI format for both sales and non-sales employees remains the same, the setting of KPI will differ as sales employee’s target is mainly based on numbers i.e. sales amount, number of clients, etc and the non-sales employee’s target is more subjective based on the completion of reports, projects, activities, etc. Please go to Module 4 (Manage Existing Employee), Sub-module 1 (Performance Management System) for details or click here

The last update was done in 2022 and it took effect on 1st January 2023. The amendments include weekly working hours, pregnancy, maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leave and few others. Please go to Module 8 (IR Management), Sub-module ?? (??) for details or click here